Saturday, May 28, 2011

seeking solace -p3-End Pain's companion –p3-

What had she gotten herself into…how?

Lifting her fragile arm she looked deep into the eyes of the child, despite the fact of the child not even paying attention, the girl still felt as if she would be caught red handed. Killing was bad enough but a child why a child?

They were her last chance. If she didn't go through with it she would never find a family, people who cared to even glance her way. She was tired of not being noticed, being only a speck of dust for people to swipe away, out of their way. The pain welled up inside her once again and for a small moment she didn't care if the child was innocent or not, she would grow up just like them. And so she fired.

"I..I-I killed her…", shaking uncontrollably she fell to the ground. "Oh my god".

Without a second though she grasped the dark object and ran for the one place she could think of, the leader's threshold …

" I KILLED HER! I DID IT! …", Tears streamed down her pretty face smearing mascara all down her cheeks in the process.

Looking around the place was empty accept for one other, a new face that resemble her almost. The young boy had that same face that she remembered so well, and with this last thought she closed her eyes and let one last tear fall before the shot rang out.

……the end.

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