Saturday, May 28, 2011

Prolouge silvermist's requiem

Prolouge silvermist's requiem

by ~hatsumi141

Watching silently, hoping for mercy, begging for it even. The guant child could do little more than watch in agony as her small friend drifted away before her;Drifted is far to soft a word to describe this scene, torn, yes that word fits much better. Limbs and apendages ribbed and shredded from their binding joints before her very eyes. A gruesome sight indeed for a child to behold, and at only 6 years old. The creature, appearing to be so peaceful and tranquil had struck without a moments notice, never provoked or enticed in anyway. It had left nothing behind of Hiro, his remains had been devoured to the extent that it seemed he no longer to have ever existed. 

Slipping her deep, red, forked tongue between her lips, the creature lunged forward over the girl knowing full well that she could never out run the beast the girl just sat in awe and fright, starring. What would become of her now?

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